Come and Gone….My oh My!

Well another year has come and gone. Honestly, 2010 was a rough year for us. Simply put, the year started out in a very routine fashion. We looked forward to a vacation with our family to Alaska, starting and finishing projects around the house, and helping out at the Northcrest Swim and Tennis Club. The vacation was great, projects indeed were finished and started, and the summer was a blast down at the club. The one lesson we both learned the hard way numerous times last year was to cast a more critical eye towards people considering themselves our friends. Whether it was people we worked for or with, folks within our social group, or even just mere acquaintances, we were both duped one too many times.

However, we welcomed 2011 with gusto this year once again. The house was full of friends and neighbors as we once again lowered the Northcrest “N” at midnight. Here is a quick video of the 2011 “N” drop:

So not only has 2011 brought a “new hope” to the house, but it also brought with it 4-5 inches of snow. Last week, Atlanta literally became “Hothlanta” as many were calling it. The city became paralyzed as roads, driveways, and bridges became skating rinks. My personal favorite skating moment was the guy that decided to ice skate down Peachtree Street. For us, it was a time to share with good friends and enjoy our house and Northcrest. The mid-century modern homes here in Northcrest take on a entirely different persona when covered in snow and begin to become camouflaged by the wintery background. Roof lines disappear while steam and smoke billow from our heater’s vent and chimneys.

Like an Imperial AT-AT Walker, the Snow Came At Night and Early Morning

Our Beloved Northcrest Swim and Tennis Club

While the Northcrest Swim and Tennis Club is a great summer spot, the 5 inches or snow that covered the Club made it a place where only polar bears would want to swim now. Don’t even get me started on bears… Anyway, the snow did allow for two fun new albeit temporary hobbies: sledding and watching vehicles try and make it up the icy hill in front of our house.

Seriously, it became a brief evening tradition for Jordan and me to watch the various cars try and make it up Regalwoods Dr to Summitridge. At one point, we came close to making encouraging signs and ringing cowbells like some sort of Nordic downhill skiing event. Some made it, but most failed. My favorite idiot was the Dekalb County cop who got stuck on the hill. After helping him get on his way we asked if he could shut the road down, call the county to dump sand, or offer any type of help to which he replied, “Not my job on a night like this”.

On a much lighter note, the sledding this year in Northcrest was top notch! We gathered our warm clothes, procured appropriate sledding vehicles, and most importantly brewed some delicious Trader Vic’s hot buttered rum for the adventure awaiting us.

On a much lighter note, the sledding this year in Northcrest was top notch; margin: 0in 0in 0pt;”>

The Snow Wing and Trader Vic’s Hot Buttered Rum…A Match Made in Heaven!

With a few phone calls and emails, a group of us met over by the school and had a blast! Here is a quick action packed video:

Yes, That IS a Monkey On Jordan’s Head…Time For A Bannana Break (A Mail Chimp Joke)!
Matt’s Face-First Method


Luckily we only had two injuries…both mostly only hurting one’s ego. For me it was sliding down the schools iced over slide only to be dumped out directly on my butt.

Ben on the other hand had a slight harder impact for sure. Attempting the face-first sled run, Ben jumped towards his sled only for it not to move as he landed. Following one of Newton’s Laws, Ben’s face met the snow. He had a few scratches and yes, there was blood drawn this day, but he survived. Later that day I passed by their house to see Ben shoveling the ice and snow off the driveway. Punishment laid down by Katie!

The Aftermath!

Like Mount Everest, all hills are bound to be conquered. After awhile at the school we headed over to Archwood Drive. If you have never been to Northcrest, there are some serious hills in our neighborhood. Archwood is a serious hill and really is perfect for sledding we came to find out. We made our way to the top of the hill and went for it. Fun was had by all that day.

Archwood Dr….The Planning Stages

Jordan Content at the Top of Archwood

Halfway Down Archwood and Building Speed….

Look at the Amazing Concentration!

Ken…Come On….Grab a Sled!
Seriously, it is always fun to spend snowy wintery day with friends/neighbors. After Day Three of what people started calling “Snowpocalypse 2011”, some began to claim cabin fever. For us, there was no cabin fever at all. Either hanging out with friends or enjoying quality time that I rarely get these days with the love of my life was wonderful. Plus, it never hurts to have a newly finished authentic Polynesian Pop tiki bar in your basement…More on that next time!

What Lies Behind These Shadows ????

* Special thanks to our friend Jeff B. who took many of the great sledding photographs!

3 responses to “Come and Gone….My oh My!

  1. Ooooh- a tiki bar! I can hardly wait to see it! I love the snow wing- does it work well? My kids are really hard on their plastic sleds (much like the orange one in your photos) and the old-fashioned kind with runners don't work so well.

  2. The Snow Wing is great..since it is metal, it makes this roaring sound as you go down the hill!

    Thanks for the kind words Sherry! We are hopefully going to take better pictures this weekend of the tiki room. Stay tuned next week for more info on the Wiki Wiki Room.

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