Northcrest Tour of Lights 2010!

It’s that time of year again!  Time for the 2nd Annual Northcrest Tour of Lights!  We took some time last night to drive slowly through the neighborhood and snap some pictures of some of the best holiday lights in the neighborhood.  There were some really nice ones this year, and the low horizontal lines of Northcrest homes really look great outlined in lights.  We didn’t get ours up this year in time….just had too many unexpected things going on.  We will add it to the ever-long list for next year! 

Here is some music again to set the tone for the lights:

Without further ado, here are some of our favorites!

And then….there was Brian’s house.  A true winter wonderland!  It was particularly spectacular this year with a few new additions and an ever-changing line up in the manger scenes!  So last, but never least…Brian’s house.

This is 2 years worth of nativity finds at Highland Row Antiques!

Baby Jesus, improvised manger.

Various wise men, and the curious snowman and Gloria.

Brian tweaking things in the snowglobe.

I don’t know about ‘wise’, but there’s an extra man in this scene.

Brian and Jeff, admiring all of Brian’s hard work!

Maybe next year we can organize a neighborhood-wide holiday lighting contest?!  Until then, have a Merry Christmas everyone!

One response to “Northcrest Tour of Lights 2010!

  1. wow i sooo love this blog, ive bookmarked it just to show the kids the cool christmas pics, you really do it in style in america!

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